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It’s no secret that Bruce Clay is THE internet expert when it comes to SEO. But the predictions for this year are not all that surprising to those of us in the industry who have seen this coming for quite a while.

The main point to be taken from this is that if you have a non-responsive, non-mobile enhanced website, you must take action to avoid negatively affecting the opportunity to be shown in Google’s index.  Not only will people stop browsing your website because it’s not a good mobile experience, but Google will stop showing your site altogether.

The recap on the top predictions is in the list on the right.  To read the original article, click here. The New SEO Rules for 2015

  1. Mobile results satisfaction will be more important than any other technical issue
  2. 1st page of Google results will be entirely made up of pages that are mobile friendly, fast, and contain mission specific content (content that answers questions)
  3. The search engines will continue to emphasize local results on all searches.  Local results will include opportunities for paid enhancements.
  4. Google will continue to fight spam via algorithmic changes, resulting in every site having some degree of penalty.
  5. As Google’s paying PPC (pay per click) clients complain of an inability to compete with Amazon, Google will be forced to launch a program to support ecommerce and compete with Amazon result listings.
  6. On-page video will be more heavily weighted as a ranking signal as bandwidth capacity today allows for video to be served for everyone
  7. SEO will become more technical, but those doing SEO will become more than programmers. Marketing skills re-emerge as vital to doing the job.
  8. User experience will be a significant discussion point, causing conversion methods to evolve into a gentler experience.
    Bing will lead the search engines in market share expansion as the search engine’s marketing skills overtake Google’s programming skills. Google will maintain dominance of market share, but Bing will expand.

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